Here Goes Nothing
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
OK, so after one post, I've moved my blog to a site that uses MoveableType. The new site is Goodbye, Blogger.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Well, after avoiding this enterprise for quite some time, I've finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon (although perhaps I won't ride for very long) and offer my unsolicited comments to those lost in the far reaches of the World Wide Web. I'm not gonna lie to you; most of the time, I don't have anything worthwhile to say. But, since I'm a Philosophy major, I feel obligated to do (at least) two things:

1) Find an ax to grind.
2) Find a place to grind it.

Although #2 is dependent on #1, I have not yet completed #1. So, one must ask the question: who does #2 work for? The answer to this question, unless you're Austin Powers, is obviously "#1." But, to ask a related question, is completing #2 for #2's sake pointless? Probably. Even so, maybe, through venting here, I will complete #1. Heck, I may even realize that I don't even need #1 after all (although I have noticed that most people who blog find one, if not several, axes to grind).

You might ask, and justifiably so, "Why start blogging now?" Well, if you want to know the truth, I have a ton of work to do, and I'm busy honing my skills as an expert procrastinator. You might also ask, "Are you going to be this pretentious in every single post?" Well, my dear cynic, I doubt it. But we'll see...

By the way, who else would like to see the Cubbies win it all? After all, the last time they were champs was 1908.

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